A Karplus-Strong-inspired resonator.
What the node does:
A Karplus-Strong-inspired resonator, but the delay is replaced with an allpass diffuser, and the feedback loop features an additional allpass filter. Feedback sets the decay length of the resonator. Damping is the frequency of the lowpass filter inside the feedback loop, simulating frequency loss of a resonating string. Stiffness is the feedback amount of the allpass filter simulating the stiffness of a string. Tension is related to the allpass-diffuser: tension sets its feedback amount, while the pitch input defines its delay time.
In: Input signal.
P: Pitch input [0..150].
FM: Feedback modulation input [0..1].
DM: Damping modulation input [Hz].
SM: Stiffness modulation input [0..1].
TM: Tension modulation input [0..1].
Out: Output signal [-1..1].
OBy: Outputs the unaltered input signal [0..1].
OP: Pitch output [0..150].
OF: Modulated feedback value [0..1].
ODm: Modulated dampening value [Hz].
OS: Modulated stiffness value [0..1].
OT: Modulated tension value [0..1].
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