Modular Sound Design Environment

Alpha Forever / Update 2021/02
December 10, 2021

Alpha Forever / Update 2021 / 02

2021's second update brings new nodes and improvements.

New nodes:


This node is a waveshaper that's intended to operate on sine waves. It outputs the nth harmonic of a sine wave with amplitude 1. However, we encourage you to experiment with other sound sources as well!

The Chebyshev node


Creating rhythmic patterns with math can be fun, but also challenging and frustrating. The Euclid node is the quickest way to get rich rhythmic patterns. Just feed a clock signal to its input, start your sequencer, and you're good to go.

To study the possibilities, it's a good idea to take a look at the presets:
- Inst Bass Sub 3Euclid3 M
- Inst Seq EuclidTech

Euclid node

Custom Envelope

You can think of the 'Custom Envelope' node as an Attack-Sustain-Release envelope, where the curvature of the 'Attack' and 'Release' phases can be drawn on the corresponding graphs. The 'Custom Envelope' is tempo-synced, making it ideal to create riser effects. The length of the two phases can be multiplied by 2, 3, 4, and 8.

Custom Envelope node

Filter 4p RC Modulated

The 4p RC Modulated node is a ZDF multimode 4 pole ladder filter, where you can control the resonance depending on the cutoff frequency using the ‘Resonance Correction’ function. The effect can only be observed when using resonance, and the filter’s cutoff is modulated.

Filter 4p RC node

Filter 2p RC Modulated

The 2p RC Modulated node is a ZDF multimode 2 pole filter, where you can control the resonance depending on the cutoff frequency using the ‘Resonance Correction’ function. The effect can only be observed when using resonance, and the filter’s cutoff is modulated.

Filter 2p RC node


The reverb node is our own rich-sounding procedural reverb algorithm. It can create large spaces and small rooms with ease, and all of its controls can be modulated.

Reverb node

Frequency shifter

The 'Frequency shifter' node shifts all the frequencies of the incoming signal linearly by a given frequency resulting in a sound comparable to ring modulation by a sine wave. While ring modulating - simply multiplying - a signal with a sine wave also shifts the frequencies of the signal, it always does it in both directions (up and down), this node basically splits the ring modulated signal using a 'Bode shifter' algorithm into two parts (up and down).

Frequency shifter node

New features, workflow enhancements:


In the first update of 2021, we introduced 'parallel connect' that makes patching a lot more convenient. You could patch up to 9 wires at the same time with it.

Parallel patching

What if you want to patch from a source to multiple nodes the same way?

'Multiconnect' solves this. Let’s say, you want to connect a MIDI Note to multiple oscillators. Just select the oscillators, drag a wire from the Pitch output, and while dragging press ‘M’ on your keyboard. The tip of the wire indicates that multi connect is enabled, and creating the connection to one of the selected nodes will result in all the oscillators being connected to the ‘MIDI Note’ node.

'Parallel connect' can be used in conjunction with 'Multiconnect', so you can connect multiple wires to multiple nodes at the same time.

New perests

Old presets got reworked, and new ones got added.

Filter 4p NL Modulated update

The Filter 4p NL Modulated got reworked from scratch. The offset behavior changed, and the filter also received a ’Drive’ parameter for filter saturation.

Custom Function UI updates

When zooming into the custom function node, points won’t zoom after a threshold level. This makes editing dense functions easier.

Position of the curve points is now relative to the control points.

Conversion nodes got updated

Conversion nodes (like Pitch to Hz) do not use approximations anymore, converting to Hz from P won’t affect accuracy.

Mixer 4 Lin update

The 'Mixer 4 lin’ node outputs now the modulated value of its paramters.



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