2021's first update brings lots of new nodes to the table, while improving workflow efficiency and stability.
A 4-pole ZDF multimode ladder filter.
A 4-pole ZDF non-linear multimode ladder filter.
A 2-pole ZDF state-variable multimode filter with controllable steepness.
A ZDF 1-pole filter with 5 different outputs.
A nice-sounding plate reverb effect.
Generates seeded noise.
Connect up to 9 parallel wires at once by pressing a number key on the keyboard while patching.
Solves compatibility issues with some VST Hosts that handle multichannel VSTs as 7.1 systems (Adobe Premiere, Steinberg Nuendo), or mute multichannel instruments (Studio One)
Double right clickon knobs and sliders reset them to default value instead of center
Displays the frequency and measured gain below the cursor.
New output: outputs the block size.
Horizontal lines indicate the levels on the analyzer.
// Stabiliy improvements regarding the scope and preset switching in certain DAWs